
Growdesign products are developed on the basis of natural raw materials, which are all Ecocert registered.

Growdesign, improve by nature.


Some products that Growdesign supplies.

Growdesign develops high-quality products, especially in the field of fertilizers for every period of cultivation.

The products are manufactured in the Netherlands and sold directly and through dealers.

Growdesign has been supplying high-quality products in the agricultural and horticultural sector for 5 years.

We work together with leading research agencies in the Netherlands and abroad.

Poinsettias grown without chemical growth regulators.

Products MPS and Ecocert registered.

We develops all our products ourselves and produce them in the Netherlands.

Features that make Growdesign distinctive:

  • Our products are based on the influence of various plant growth hormones.
  • 100% natural products
  • MPS * registered and bee-friendly
  • Ecocert registered: allowed in organic agriculture and horticulture according to EC 834/2007, NOP and JAS Regulation.

* MPS is a Dutch registration system

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