
Complete range for the entire cultivation!

Control, a fertilizer with special properties.

Control is a high-quality compound fertilizer with chelated micronutrients. It stimulates plant growth and breaks the apical dominance in plant growth.


LEAF, a powerful start to cultivation!

LEAF is a fast-acting starter fertilizer that ensures that the cuttings or young plants get off to a good start.

Symptoms due to deficiency are quickly corrected and stress caused by various circumstances will be quickly reduced.

Leaf can also be used at a later growth stage if there is a disturbance in the growth of the plants.

LEAF in the rooting phase.

Due to the powerful combination of fertilizers, amino acids, fulvic acids and micronutrients, plants will recover faster or make a better start.

As a result, the cutting is able to meet its own needs more quickly and will build up resilience.

LEAF after potting

LEAF stimulates faster root development and plant growth after potting. By regularly spraying with LEAF in the first 4 weeks after potting, this process is further stimulated and the use of chemicals may be limited.


ROOTS, the powerful root stimulator.

Roots after potting

Roots stimulates faster root development after potting. With an initial watering treatment, Roots encapsulates fungi, which can negatively influence root development. By regularly spraying with Roots in the first 4 weeks after potting, this process is further stimulated and the use of chemicals will be drastically limited.

Roots to promote blooming

Roots applied just before the flowering phase stimulates the growth process, so that the plant will flower faster.

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